Before a (city) trip you tend to buy a travel book, look online or ask friends for tips on places to go. If you are extremely lucky you know someone who lives in the city you plan to visit, but usualy that is more exception than rule.
When you do not travel that much, but live in a metropole (small or large), you are always on the lookout for something new to discover to enrich your daily life. I am!
As a person who is always on the look out for interesting, new places and an absolute Amsterdam-lover, I keep getting more and more questions of friends who ask for suggestions on places to go to in Amsterdam. This made me realize that sharing everything I have discovered so far and everything that I will discover in the future enables my friends and everyone who visits Amsterdam to discover the little gems Amsterdam has to offer.
My mission is to share all the lovely restaurants, bars, shops, markets, events, street art and outdoor-spots in Amsterdam, and hopefully in return receive tips from you to investigate myself!
With love,
an Insider
P.S. the coming days I will work really hard to post as many things as I can. I need a bit of time to get it all up, so check regularly. Also check out the Facebook page!