I love the NDSM-wharf in Amsterdam-Noord. It rough, industrial and overlooks the IJ. I can wander around for hours. After those wander moment, I end my stroll in or in front of a building made of sea containers with 'Pllek' written on it. Plek means 'place' or 'location' in Dutch, so Pllek appears to be a corruption of that word.

When you walk towards Pllek, you approach it from the back so you only see the stacked up sea containers, but don't be fooled!! Inside it has been decorated into a beautiful self proclaimed "creative hangout". With a big bar, many tables, colourful touches everywhere and a huge window seperating the inside from the outside Pllek is much more then meets the eye. There is plenty of space to sit inside, but on a beautiful day sitting outside at Pllek is ultimate happiness.